I have nothing to do with whatever is advertised above :)

Status Codes
Pending=an offer has been recieved or made, but is not definate; offers will still be accepted.
Hold=a trade is being negotiated but is not complete, further offers will not be accepted at this time
Traded!=Trade is complete, and I'm just waiting for ponies to be recieved, and to arrive before removing link. No offers will be taken because it's already gone!

Thumbnails link to pictures and in some cases a description of condition. If there is no description posted yet, email me if interested and I will finish it for you.

Note: any ponies that are supposed to have lavender hair, but show pink in the pictures, the hair is lavender. My scanner just doesn't like that shade of hair for some reason ;)


For these items I may make an exception to my trade only policy. However, if you are interested in buying any of the following, rather than trading, please make an offer. I don't have the patience to figure out what to charge for this stuff :)

Lady Lovely Locks book
Lady Lovely Locks puzzle
Lady Lovely Locks costume
Moon Dreamers costume
Jem book
Sea Wee
Thundercats book
Thundercats book
Masters of the Universe book